lecture22 build your first website

------ use sublime text

sublime text and save it as index.html, when we open it up in Chrome it's going to know it's a web page so it's going to show it as an HTML web page

---------web design vs web develop

web design is more graphic design

web develop all you need is notepad(we choose sublime text, one of the best notepad kind of editors out there)

lecture23 fundamental concepts

----<!doctype html>

we're gonna add this at the top every HTML page and just declares that the document type is HTML and putting like this actually means html5 . It just tells your browser : hi, we are working with html5 page

lecture24 HTML tags

------HTML && CSS && JS

HTML is what puts the content together for your page but it's going to be ugly coz it's just content

CSS is what puts together your style , it stands for cascading style sheets , so it gives style to your webpage

JS is function, it makes the web page do cool things , load in data real time just like Pinterest does, like instagram, it makes things move around and animate

JS is where things get fun it's also where you get paid better

-----HTML tags

There are 10 - 15 html tags(easy)

<!DOCTYPE html>

    <title>My webpage</title>


    <h2>not so big</h2>
    <h3>not really big</h3>

    this is <strong>bold</strong>
    this is <em> italic </em>

    this is <strong>bold</strong>
    this is <em> italic </em>

    this is <strong>bold</strong>
    this is <em> italic </em>

    <a href="http://www.google.com"> google.com </a>

        <li>banana </li>
        <li>apple </li>

            <li>fuji </li><br>
            <img src="https://4.imimg.com/data4/TN/LV/MY-28186204/azeem-6-250x250.jpg" width="40" height="40">
            <li> honeycrip</li>
            <img src="https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/81pkXnDX9pL._SY355_.jpg" width="40" height="40">




open the sublime text with default Chrome, it shows like this,

--------------link to another page ------

<a href="http://www.google.com"> google.com </a>

--------------why named index.html? ------

if there are a lot of html files named like, index.html, page3.html, newpage.html, by default, most servers just say ,I'll return index.html firstly

------------ file:/// VS http://


I can't really access it outside of my computer

is using the file protocol

we call it a relative path

-----how to copy a website

View --> Developer --> View Source

-----how to submit a form


<!DOCTYPE html>
        First name: <input type="text" name="firstname"><br>
        Last name: <input type="text" name="lastname"> <br>
        Email: <input type="email" required name="email"><br>
        Password:<input type="password" min="5" name="password"><br>
        Birthday:<input type="date" > <br>
        <input type="radio" name="gender">Male <br>
        <input type="radio" name="gender" >Female <br>
        <input type="radio"  name="gender">Other <br>
        <input type="checkbox" > Cat<br>
        <input type="checkbox" > Dog<br>
        <input type="checkbox" > Cow<br>
            <option value="volvo">Volvo</option>
            <option value="audi">Audi</option>

        <input type="submit"  value = "Register Now!">
        <input type="reset" >


----- how to send register information to backend ?

when we submit, the link above would be like this,


this is called query strings, one way for us to send register's info to the backend or servers

coz we have to store this form info somewhere

so that when when we come back onto this page , the web site remember us

this was automatically generated in html5, with a form. but form was using an attribute called GET

<form method = "GET">

if I left it as this , will do the exact same thing

where it will attach the form information to the URL

and send it to the server

if so, we should offer name=" "and value= ""

<input type="radio" name="gender" value="Male">Male <br>

so for the query string to work,

it has to have a name associated with the value

so it that's one is selected , a 'value' will be sent

once register a form makes sense to you , you can call yourself an HTML developer

----- a relative link

There are 3 pages and relative to each other

<a href="page2.html">page2</a>

results matching ""

    No results matching ""