

I've been in your shoes

less valuable skills like JQuery or PHP

when time comes for you to be interviewed, you stumble or you can't explain things

we build an image recognition app by creating the frontend with React, JS, html and css

connecting to an api

a server with node and express in a database using postgress

all built from scratch

browsing the web

we go to google and we're going to visit google so we type in google.com

when we enter google.com we press enter on our keyboard

and ask question"who is this google.com" gets asked all this way down to our ISP(internet service provider) , like Verizon, depending on your country have your big big companies that make a lot of money from internet users

So they get that request and they send that off to something called the DNS server so Domain Name Servers (essentially it's a phone book) - a phone book that has the list of all these URLs like google.com and has the addresses of them , so they know where google.com is so they say, hey you know , I don't know My. google.com personally

but i do know his address so they send off that request back through the ISP and the website or web browser, google chrome , in this case, gets alright, cool, but nothing's showing up yet, there's no google.com i can't do any searches yet

ok we receive - it's what we call an IP address

so think of this as something that every single computer has one, anything that's connected to the internet has its own address so the laptop that I'm working on right now an IP address, your laptop or computer has IP address

so this IP address allows the internet to work essentially , it knows our location our address

So what we do now with google.com we know this IP address - the browser sends off another request to the google servers and it knows where the google servers are

because we have this address

so we go seek it out and you can think of servers as computers essentially, my laptop could be a server your computer could be a server

servers are essentially computers that are sometimes in basements or in huge server farms and they have a piece of software running that just like a restaurant where a server brings you food . It knows how to send you files when you request for them.

So we send this off and google servers say og yeh , no problem , let me give you my html css js . They are text files that Google is going to send to the browser so we can have google working

Then web browser receives the html , css and js

results matching ""

    No results matching ""